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 Monday, May 30, 2011

Mimi and Poppy (Mr. E's mom and dad) came to visit us this weekend. It was fun. We took Jack-Attack to the zoo and went out to eat so. many. times. and just had a great time. Jack warmed up to them and fell right into their arms easily and quickly. He squealed, "Mimi! Poppy!" when he saw them unexpectedly and burst into those adorable toddler belly-laughs when Poppy played peek-a-boo with him.

They left tonight.

Actually they head out early tomorrow morning, but we said our goodbyes tonight.

We hugged and said goodbye and I ran to the bathroom for a nice bubble bath and nearly cried. (I say 'nearly' because the tears were there; I just refused to let them out.)

I miss my family.

More than that, I see how much Jack enjoys them, and I wish he could grow up near them and see them on a regular basis. I know when we go on vacation with my folks in July he will love and enjoy them just as much, and parting will be hard then, too.

We own a house back home that we rent out, and it will be coming open soon. I keep thinking of us moving back and living there. It would be so easy. We wouldn't have to find a new tenant or put our house on the market and then cross our fingers that it sells before we run out of money paying for an empty house. We would just move back, plain and simple.

It sounds lovely and easy, and while I'm tempted to dwell on it, I stop myself.

There is a house in Arkansas, and there is family in Arkansas, but Arkansas is not where God wants us to be. Not right now.

Our church, Mr. E's education (which is preparing him for further work in the ministry), and his job (which is at a Christian university, the very place he hopes to spend his career, and therefore chock-full of great references and opportunities for him) are all part of God's design for us. We make sacrifices to do what He calls us to do, but we do it because we know it is for a greater good, and most of all, it pleases Him.

And so we miss birthdays, and impromptu family-get-togethers on the weekends, and those lovely hometown high-school football games, but we only miss those things because we are obeying our Lord, and we know it is right where we need to be.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11


the great dumpster dive

 Sunday, May 29, 2011

So. I mentioned in a previous post that I recently went on my first dumpster diving adventure with one of my pals.

It's ok if you've already stopped reading. I used to cringe at the thought, too.

I suppose I didn't *technically* dumpster dive -- I stood oustide the dumpster and held the bag that we put all our loot into while my friend actually got into the dumpster. I did dig around in the stuff I could reach though.

Can I back up and explain a little? Thanks.

First of all, we are talking about dorm dumpster diving. Not nearly as nasty and icky as you would think, since most of the stuff they throw out is furniture and cleaning supplies and stuff like that. So when you imagine me sifting through bags of rotten food and my friend standing in trash up to her chin with a rotten banana peel draped over her head -- not the case.

Well, and I guess that's really all there is to say. We collected any laundry detergent, fabric softener, floor cleaner, dishwasher gel, shampoo, etc, that we could find, threw it in the bag, wiped it all down with Chlorox wipes when we got back to the house and voila -- cleaning supplies for a good long while that cost us nothing but time and effort. I bet I don't need laundry detergent, body wash, or shampoo for at LEAST six months.

I also got a full-length mirror out of the deal.

It was fun and not against the law and we came out like bandits.

I guess we were sort-of acting like bandits, too, pillaging and whatnot. Totally worth it, though. I highly recommend, just not at our dumpsters.

Hands-off our dumpsters, mister.


coupon confessions 5/22

 Monday, May 23, 2011

It was my intention to get up early on Sundays, do my bargain shopping, run home, and post my "Coupon Confessions" every week before church, but two things always seem to be standing in my way:

1. I don't get up early.

2. I have really hit a snag in the coupon biz recently.

Don't get me wrong -- I still love it and the deals are still to be had, but ... well, I'm trying to be a more responsible coupon krazy, and that means knowing when to just say no.

I created a monthly and weekly budget for myself to be sure and not overspend in CouponLand. After analyzing my first month in action, the results are in: I overspent.

Not by much, but still. It kills me -- KILLS me -- to find shampoo or deodorant for .50 each and have to pass it up because I am already over my "hygiene" budget, but I am really really trying.

Also, I've just been overall disappointed with the deals I've found (or not found) recently. I've been a little turned off by marching in the store, coupons in hand, only to find the item is priced higher at my store than at the website I had been tracking, or that it's completely sold out altogether. While the saving money high is certainly wonderful, the planning and clipping and driving and walking out empty-handed is getting a little old, too. Throw a 28-pound toddler on your hip and it's really not worth it.

That being said, I did find some great deals (pictured above and once more below for good measure) yesterday morning and earlier today on things we truly need and use rather quickly. I buy things one week in advance, so we are on our new monthly budget for June already. (That was for those of you sitting at home going, Ok, she just said she is overspending and now she's showing us more stuff she bought?!)

I went to Walgreens (2 razor systems), CVS (4 body wash and 2 deodorant), and Kroger (8 packs hot dogs), and paid $11.98 for the whole lot. Details below.

Oscar Mayer bun-length wieners, $1.25 each
Used 4 $1.oo off any two package OM weiners
Total cost: $.75 each

Suave Body Wash $2.00 each
Suave Deodorant $1.00 each
Buy $10 worth of Suave products, receive $3.00 Extra Care Bucks
Used 2 B1G1 Free coupons on Suave Body Wash or Lotion
Used 2 $.50 off coupons on any Suave Deodorant
Total cost: $.33 each

Gillette Fusion Proglide Razor System, 10.99 each
Used 2 $4 off/one coupon
Received $5 Register Rewards each item (two separate transactions)
Total cost: $1.99 each

Why do I buy the entire razor systems for my hubby instead of just replacing the cartridges as we need them? Because I have yet to find a good deal on cheap or free cartridges, but ALWAYS find free to cheap (cheap meaning less than two dollars) razor kits. It amazes me that it really is cheaper to buy the whole system than to replace the cartridges, but so far that has been the case. These are also great to put back for the goody baskets I'm planning to make for the males in our family at Christmas/birthdays. Guess you guys know what to expect for Christmas now. As if you even read this.

Why do I stock up on hot dogs? I make and take pigs-in-a-blanket every time it's our turn to take snacks to our ABF (Sunday School) class, so I stocked up when I found them cheap. I freeze them until I need them.

Here's a pretty sweet haul I got away with for $17.70 earlier in the week, as well:

Super Dollar:
Buy 10 participating items, get them for .49 each
Total cost: $.49 each

Grands Biscuits, 1.00 each
Used 2 $.50 off two coupons
Total cost: $.75 each

Special K cereal, $2.95 each
Buy 5 boxes Special K cereal, get one free
Bought 4 boxes, used $1.00/off three Kellogg's cereal Target store coupon
Used 2 $1.00 any two Kellogg's cereal Manfacturer coupons
Total cost: $1.76 each

Suave Professionals Captivating Curls Mousse -- FREE
("Liked" them on FB and received a coupon in the mail for one free product)

Duncan Hines Brownie Mix, 1.00
Used 2 $.50 off coupons
Total cost: $.50 each

Same deal with all those buns -- they were too great a price to pass up, so I stocked up and put them in the freezer.

I'm not planning to go to the store any more this week. We have plenty of everything, (except milk) and I am trying so hard to be strict on myself this month. So maybe a mid-week run to Kroger for milk and I'm done.

How about you? Do you coupon at all? If so, what sites and tips do you use regularly? Do you have trouble sticking to your coupon budget, too? Please share with me! I need to know I'm not alone.


angels and ice cream

 Friday, May 20, 2011

My apologies for neglecting all you faithful readers.

All two of you.

I was gone for 15 days! And didn't really do anything the whole time, except take a few punches in the coupon world. But we'll get to that in due time.

Anyway. I'm back. With no new pics.

. . .

Is there an award for the worst blogger ever? Pretty sure I just won the nomination.

Let's do a list. I've seen those on blogs I like, so it must be the thing to do, right? (Don't answer that if I'm sadly mistaken. I can't take it.)

1. The Blue Angels. They're here. They arrived Wednesday and have been practicing every afternoon since for the air show on Saturday and Sunday, disrupting naptime all over this town. We aren't going for the following three reasons: a.) It's too loud and too long. I believe the schedule is from 9-5? I mean good grief, people. b.) We don't pay for air shows. It's an AIR show. This means we can park up on the mountain and see the whole thing for free. Which we plan to do, by the way. c.) Even if the parking and watching thing doesn't work out, we've seen quite a display during their practices already. So.

2. I had some fun dumpster-diving last week with a friend. Yes, really. I think I'll elaborate on that in a separate post, though, so stay tuned.

3. I was baptized Sunday night, and my husband and I became official members of our awesome church. We couldn't be happier. Sometimes (actually most of the time) I don't think God brought us to Lynchburg for Mr. E's job or even to get free tuition for Mr. E while he finishes his M.Div. I think it was to place us in our church, where we have grown so much spiritually in this past year. No matter who speaks -- our senior pastor, executive pastor, youth pastor, guest speaker, WHOEVER -- we always leave feeling challenged and changed and ready to do something for our Lord. Even the women's Bible study grabs my heart every. single. time. It is a wonderful experience and we are so fortunate to be part of such a great community. Of course the friends we have made as a result are great, too. :)

4. There was a house fire on our street last Sunday morning. Two people died. It was alarming and unsettling. Perhaps I will elaborate on that more in another post, as well.

5. We went to Mister Goodies for ice cream tonight, which is quite possibly the best ice cream place in all of central VA. At least in our opinion. They gave Jack-Attack a "baby" cone and he gobbled it up in about three minutes. Definitely taking a video and/or pics next time.

I suppose I'll call it a night. Felt good just to write a little again. I apologize again for the absence. I'm working on it.

I'm sure that makes all two of you feel so much better!

The end. Good night, folks.


a boy and his dogs

 Thursday, May 5, 2011

Jack-Attack loves dogs. Looooooves them. He crawls around on all fours and barks fairly often. Goes hyper nuts when we see one outside or at Petsmart. The tear-jerking part of this story is ...

... we don't have one.

(Ok -- that fact isn't really jerking any tears from me. I encounter enough poop and pee and drool around here to last a lifetime, thank you very much.)

Seriously, though, I really am amazed at how much the kid loves dogs. He's not scared of them, not one shred. We have met big, tall dogs at the park and they will put their feet up on his chest and lick his face and he laughs. Laughs! A little fear might do him some good, really.

So here is what we settle for in place of our own:

Puppy-face jammers and a big dog book.

This dog book is too cool for school. It has parts where you can pet the dog's fur and wag their tails and whatnot. And it's simply titled, "DOG."

This one used to scratch itself, but Jack tore the leg off about two minutes after we bought it. (You can actually spot the leg lying on the floor next to Jack in the above photo.)

I keep taping it back in place and he keeps tearing it off again. I tell him to be gentle, but he doesn't get it. This is how it usually ends up:


Or, as of this morning, it was seen on the bookshelf in this pitiful state:

And that, my friends, is why we don't have a dog.


junk food

 Tuesday, May 3, 2011

***This is from a note I created on FB back in January.***

I watched Jack-Attack playing today. He was playing with his shopping cart: filling it up with toys, books, etc, pushing it around the house, dumping the toys out, and starting all over. I watch him do other things, too – “read” books to himself over and over again, fill up his dump truck and push it around, take animals in and out of his barn. And then, when I’m not watching, he pulls books down off the shelf or eats something off the floor or hides his toys under the kitchen cabinet and I’m not even aware of it until the morning I pull out a muffin tin only to find it full of legos.

I enjoy watching him because he is entertaining, and amusing, and learning. I love watching him unfold and grow in those areas. I also keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t hurt himself or cross any boundaries I have set forth. I keep him in check. I peeked in on him while he was in nursery Sunday morning, and I watched him stand up, walk over to the wall, and sit down. Then a little girl did the same thing, followed by two other kids. I soon realized it was snack time and the teacher told them to go sit on the wall so they could hand out snacks. I beamed for the rest of the day at how well my child walked right over there after being told once, sat down, and stayed there. So obedient! Such a sweet kid!

God watched me today. What was I doing most of the time? Well, when I wasn’t snacking (on junk) or constantly refreshing my email/facebook for new stuff (also junk, really), I was glued to my TV, soaking in as much Prison Break as I could while still keeping an eye on the baby. I guess I should rephrase – I was glued to my TV, soaking in cursing and (brutal) violence and murder and torture and any number of sexual innuendo/implications while shhhhh-ing my baby if he started babbling so loudly that I couldn’t hear. Then Eric came home and, after dinner and baths and bedtime (for the little one), he needed to study and so I took my DVD of 24 (more violence and cursing and murder and brutality and torture) to the bedroom and pumped even more of the garbage into my head.

I didn’t even feel that bad about it until I realized God was watching.

I reassure myself and say, “Who cares if I watch this – I’m not going to go kill someone or curse or whatever. I’m just watching it.” But the images are still in my head, and the curse words now jump to the forefront of my mind much more quickly when I stump my toe, and I find myself very desensitized to the news and the media nowdays.

And if that damage weren’t enough, God is still watching.

I have not picked up my Bible a single time today (although I plan to after posting this). I haven’t read one line of one verse and you want to know the truth? I was halfway glad that church was canceled tonight just so I didn’t have to get dressed and be anywhere or have any real obligations of any sort. Surely I was created for something more than lounging around, feeding myself junk (literally and mentally and spiritually).

Jack learned new words today from reading his books with me, and how to play and do new things with his kitchen. I have learned nothing new today; if anything, I have deteriorated.

God is watching me, and I need to step up. I need to do things he is proud of. I want him to enjoy watching me grow and learn. To watch me obey his commands without anyone telling me to do so. To fill my heart and mind with things that are good – whatsoever things are good, whatsoever things are pure, etc. – and not things that mean so little to him (if not offend him altogether). I was given this day to do something that matters, and I wasted it. I’ve wasted a lot of them recently.

God is still watching as I write this, though, and I imagine he is smirking a little as he sees me realizing these things. It is time to make a change. It is time to make him proud of me, and to do things that matter. Let's get to it.

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just,whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4:8


coupon confessions 5/1

 Sunday, May 1, 2011

Well, you may as well know this about me: I clip coupons. I don't just clip them, I print them online and buy multiple (ok, only two) copies of the Sunday paper and keep a binder and EVERYTHING.

I'm one of those people.

But tell me this...

If you got everything in that photo for $10.46, like I did, wouldn't you consider couponing, too?

I started a month ago and I love it. I'm plain ole addicted to it. I can't take the credit for being savvy, this krazy lady does all the work for me, and my friend Jilayne gave me a great start on the basics, too. I just copy and paste good deals from the KCL site into Word, print it out, gather my coupons from my binder and online and anywhere else I can find them, and go to the store.

I am not one of those extreme TLC ladies you see walking out of the store with $400 worth of stuff that she only paid a dime for. Or, in some cases, MADE a dime on. I ain't hatin' -- I just do not know how they do that.

I wish I did.

I guess I might be a little jealous, really.

I am making great improvements in our weekly and monthly budgets, though, and that means making more frequent deposits to our savings, too. All in all, it's a good time.

All I ask is this, friends: when I start buying kitty litter and Fixodent because it's cheap (even though I do not have a cat or dentures) and storing it under my child's crib because my house is overrun with junk I keep buying -- shoot me.

Or at least punch me a little.

But hey, I ain't hatin'.


to blog or not to blog ...

 Thursday, April 28, 2011

... that is the question. Truth is, I love writing. I love my family. I love writing about my family, and well, sometimes facebook just doesn't have enough characters for me to really tell a good story. Above all, though, this blog is an attempt to rid my life of excuses. The excuses I've made recently for not keeping a blog:

1. I have a terrible history of starting things and not finishing them. A blog will just be another on the list.
2. All good blogs have beautiful photos. I have a sorry camera. My blog is gonna totally stink.
3. (and this is the big one) I can't share my convictions or faith with others; I might offend them. So I won't say anything about it at all.

I have spent a lot of time hoarding the gift of writing God has given me, as well as the convictions and ways He has revealed himself to me, and not sharing them. I have been timid and afraid to mention Christ at all, and for that I am very sorry. Major reconstruction going on in that area, to be sure. I have spent a lot of time making excuses rather than making art, and it's time to change.

That will be all.


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