coupon confessions 5/22
Monday, May 23, 2011
It was my intention to get up early on Sundays, do my bargain shopping, run home, and post my "Coupon Confessions" every week before church, but two things always seem to be standing in my way:
1. I don't get up early.
2. I have really hit a snag in the coupon biz recently.
Don't get me wrong -- I still love it and the deals are still to be had, but ... well, I'm trying to be a more responsible coupon krazy, and that means knowing when to just say no.
I created a monthly and weekly budget for myself to be sure and not overspend in CouponLand. After analyzing my first month in action, the results are in: I overspent.
Not by much, but still. It kills me -- KILLS me -- to find shampoo or deodorant for .50 each and have to pass it up because I am already over my "hygiene" budget, but I am really really trying.
Also, I've just been overall disappointed with the deals I've found (or not found) recently. I've been a little turned off by marching in the store, coupons in hand, only to find the item is priced higher at my store than at the website I had been tracking, or that it's completely sold out altogether. While the saving money high is certainly wonderful, the planning and clipping and driving and walking out empty-handed is getting a little old, too. Throw a 28-pound toddler on your hip and it's really not worth it.
That being said, I did find some great deals (pictured above and once more below for good measure) yesterday morning and earlier today on things we truly need and use rather quickly. I buy things one week in advance, so we are on our new monthly budget for June already. (That was for those of you sitting at home going, Ok, she just said she is overspending and now she's showing us more stuff she bought?!)
I went to Walgreens (2 razor systems), CVS (4 body wash and 2 deodorant), and Kroger (8 packs hot dogs), and paid $11.98 for the whole lot. Details below.

Oscar Mayer bun-length wieners, $1.25 each
Used 4 $1.oo off any two package OM weiners
Total cost: $.75 each
Suave Body Wash $2.00 each
Suave Deodorant $1.00 each
Buy $10 worth of Suave products, receive $3.00 Extra Care Bucks
Used 2 B1G1 Free coupons on Suave Body Wash or Lotion
Used 2 $.50 off coupons on any Suave Deodorant
Total cost: $.33 each
Gillette Fusion Proglide Razor System, 10.99 each
Used 2 $4 off/one coupon
Received $5 Register Rewards each item (two separate transactions)
Total cost: $1.99 each
Why do I buy the entire razor systems for my hubby instead of just replacing the cartridges as we need them? Because I have yet to find a good deal on cheap or free cartridges, but ALWAYS find free to cheap (cheap meaning less than two dollars) razor kits. It amazes me that it really is cheaper to buy the whole system than to replace the cartridges, but so far that has been the case. These are also great to put back for the goody baskets I'm planning to make for the males in our family at Christmas/birthdays. Guess you guys know what to expect for Christmas now. As if you even read this.
Why do I stock up on hot dogs? I make and take pigs-in-a-blanket every time it's our turn to take snacks to our ABF (Sunday School) class, so I stocked up when I found them cheap. I freeze them until I need them.
Here's a pretty sweet haul I got away with for $17.70 earlier in the week, as well:

Super Dollar:
Buy 10 participating items, get them for .49 each
Total cost: $.49 each
Grands Biscuits, 1.00 each
Used 2 $.50 off two coupons
Total cost: $.75 each
Special K cereal, $2.95 each
Buy 5 boxes Special K cereal, get one free
Bought 4 boxes, used $1.00/off three Kellogg's cereal Target store coupon
Used 2 $1.00 any two Kellogg's cereal Manfacturer coupons
Total cost: $1.76 each
Suave Professionals Captivating Curls Mousse -- FREE
("Liked" them on FB and received a coupon in the mail for one free product)
Duncan Hines Brownie Mix, 1.00
Used 2 $.50 off coupons
Total cost: $.50 each
Same deal with all those buns -- they were too great a price to pass up, so I stocked up and put them in the freezer.
I'm not planning to go to the store any more this week. We have plenty of everything, (except milk) and I am trying so hard to be strict on myself this month. So maybe a mid-week run to Kroger for milk and I'm done.
How about you? Do you coupon at all? If so, what sites and tips do you use regularly? Do you have trouble sticking to your coupon budget, too? Please share with me! I need to know I'm not alone.
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