coupon confessions 5/1
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Well, you may as well know this about me: I clip coupons. I don't just clip them, I print them online and buy multiple (ok, only two) copies of the Sunday paper and keep a binder and EVERYTHING.
I'm one of those people.
But tell me this...

If you got everything in that photo for $10.46, like I did, wouldn't you consider couponing, too?
I started a month ago and I love it. I'm plain ole addicted to it. I can't take the credit for being savvy, this krazy lady does all the work for me, and my friend Jilayne gave me a great start on the basics, too. I just copy and paste good deals from the KCL site into Word, print it out, gather my coupons from my binder and online and anywhere else I can find them, and go to the store.
I am not one of those extreme TLC ladies you see walking out of the store with $400 worth of stuff that she only paid a dime for. Or, in some cases, MADE a dime on. I ain't hatin' -- I just do not know how they do that.
I wish I did.
I guess I might be a little jealous, really.
I am making great improvements in our weekly and monthly budgets, though, and that means making more frequent deposits to our savings, too. All in all, it's a good time.
All I ask is this, friends: when I start buying kitty litter and Fixodent because it's cheap (even though I do not have a cat or dentures) and storing it under my child's crib because my house is overrun with junk I keep buying -- shoot me.
Or at least punch me a little.
But hey, I ain't hatin'.
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