Monday, May 30, 2011
Mimi and Poppy (Mr. E's mom and dad) came to visit us this weekend. It was fun. We took Jack-Attack to the zoo and went out to eat so. many. times. and just had a great time. Jack warmed up to them and fell right into their arms easily and quickly. He squealed, "Mimi! Poppy!" when he saw them unexpectedly and burst into those adorable toddler belly-laughs when Poppy played peek-a-boo with him.

They left tonight.
Actually they head out early tomorrow morning, but we said our goodbyes tonight.
We hugged and said goodbye and I ran to the bathroom for a nice bubble bath and nearly cried. (I say 'nearly' because the tears were there; I just refused to let them out.)

I miss my family.
More than that, I see how much Jack enjoys them, and I wish he could grow up near them and see them on a regular basis. I know when we go on vacation with my folks in July he will love and enjoy them just as much, and parting will be hard then, too.
We own a house back home that we rent out, and it will be coming open soon. I keep thinking of us moving back and living there. It would be so easy. We wouldn't have to find a new tenant or put our house on the market and then cross our fingers that it sells before we run out of money paying for an empty house. We would just move back, plain and simple.
It sounds lovely and easy, and while I'm tempted to dwell on it, I stop myself.
There is a house in Arkansas, and there is family in Arkansas, but Arkansas is not where God wants us to be. Not right now.
Our church, Mr. E's education (which is preparing him for further work in the ministry), and his job (which is at a Christian university, the very place he hopes to spend his career, and therefore chock-full of great references and opportunities for him) are all part of God's design for us. We make sacrifices to do what He calls us to do, but we do it because we know it is for a greater good, and most of all, it pleases Him.
And so we miss birthdays, and impromptu family-get-togethers on the weekends, and those lovely hometown high-school football games, but we only miss those things because we are obeying our Lord, and we know it is right where we need to be.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
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